Our kick off weekend wasn't able to take place, but we can still get started. Let's figure out what everyone is after. Let's take a hard look at the who, what, when, where, and why of what we're trying to accomplish.
Who: You, of course, but who else is going to be impacted by your focus on wellness? WHO will you surround yourself with to help you achieve optimal fitness and vitality? WHO can you call when you need motivation? WHO will be inspired by your discipline, commitment, and drive?
What: WHAT exactly do you want to accomplish through this 12 week competition? WHAT kind of food will be in your pantry and refrigerator? WHAT are you going to hang up in your house to remind you of your purpose? WHAT will life be like when your spirit masters your appetites?
When: Now until the end of March, of course. But, the real question is WHEN will you make time to plan your meals? WHEN will you pass up your favorite dessert, WHEN will you make time to do sit ups, jump rope, walk/run, lift weights, or go to the gym? WHEN will you avoid a second helping of a delicious dinner? WHEN will you recite to yourself the reasons you are willing to take such drastic control over your wellness?
Where: Wherever you are, naturally. But, WHERE can you place yourself to avoid the greatest temptations? WHERE will you be at 11 pm that will give you the greatest advantage on tomorrow? WHERE will you eat out? WHERE will you work out? WHERE will you talk about the journey of self-mastery?
Why: Why focus on your temporal state when we know all things are spiritual? WHY are you willing to put the mental, physical, and emotional effort into improving your health? WHY will this outcome be of greatest pay off?
If you seriously consider all the above, your down days will be easier to face. I know together, with focus on powerful thinking and acting, we can do it!
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